Friday, July 10, 2015

My Mother Made A Literary Reference On Purpose

My mother likes to pretend that she is not a smart woman. Street smart, yes, but she would never call herself BOOKSMART. This from a woman who has read a hundred books a year and watched a hundred movies from the comfort of her room. I am just saying the woman can surprise me once in awhile with a literary reference or an obscure Curling statistic.

I always ask her to look out for action figures when she goes to what are laughably called GARAGE SALES. She never finds any Superheroes in their original boxes.

The other day she brought back this guy. She paid a dollar. I asked her what action figure this was suppose to be?

Without blinking she said - "Don Quixote - he tilts at windmills just like you."



j-swin said...

Clever ol' bird.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good one! And she got a deal at only a buck.

nolan said...

Your mom is cool