Sunday, November 2, 2014


I  like the idea of an asshole demonologist and exorcist who wants the world and psychiatrists to convince him that the demons he sees all around him are NOT real, despite the fact that he knows how terrible they actually are, is fascinating. He doesn't want the job but by circumstance it is his curse. Damned souls are my favorite kinds of souls, especially ones in search of redemption.

I like the trickster character in literature and Constantine is a great character who fights the good fight through trickery and knowledge. He is reckless with the lives of those around him which makes him a dangerous friend to have but often the only one who can save you from the things that go bump in the night. All of this of course makes him a target for any demon who wants a quick and easy time on Earth - the dumb ones anyways. The smart ones know enough to stay clear.

I enjoyed the pilot and will add this to my list of weekly programs. Not much on Friday nights except for the Amazing Race.

The coolest thing, however was seeing the Helmet of Fate in his sanctuary. That opens up the possibility of many cool stories in the future.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

The LGBT community is pissed off because he's not portrayed as bi in the TV series the way he is in the comics.

j-swin said...

Saw the pilot too and thought it was good, I'll keep with it for a while see how it goes. Hope they load it up with Easter eggs like the flash. I heard Jim Corrigan (specter) shows up. Should be interesting.

Kal said...

Easter eggs are such a great part of all the superhero shows. I don't want to wait ten years again to see Superman fly in costume.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Good set up and the character is charismatic despite how wooden the performances are in this first episode. (Blame the director)