Sunday, July 20, 2014

Doctor Who - Season Eight - Episode One

I got an early screener of the first Doctor Who of the new season. It was so raw, in fact that some of the effects were not completed. Most of them revolved around the dinosaur in the above image so I am no spoiling anything by telling you there was a freakin' T-Rex in the new season's premiere.
At first I watched and HATED what I was seeing. I couldn't believe how hard it was to follow and how bizarre the new Doctor was acting. I couldn't buy into it all for a second. The fact that Doctor Who made me go from a believer to a non-believer so fast got my head to spinning. So much so that I had to turn it off lest my love for Doctor Who be destroyed forever.
Today I decided to give it another go and I left that hour with tears in my eyes. The show itself realized what it's audience was going through. They made Jenna and Peter work for our love. I thought it was brilliant. I can't wait for what comes next. And that is all you will get out of me.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

It must be hard for any new Doctor to take over the franchise and try to become beloved. But especially when you follow some sexy young Doctors!

Kal said...

That is the exact issue that the first episode tackles. I thought the solution was elegant to say the least. There is a look that the new Doctor gives Clara that let me know that everything was going to be alright.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Way to leave us hanging. Its bad enough we have to wait a month until Shark Week, but they way you're baiting us like this is just cruel!

Kal said...

People would lynch me if I said anything else.