Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesdays From The Toybox Image Avalanche





Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I love that "The Meat" has its own action figure!

DrGoat said...

Really like that Explo Robotron. Yeah, the Meat cracked me up. One of the neatest non-moving action figures was the Monolith from 2001. Still need to get me one of those.

Kal said...

Or THE FORCE which was just an empty package.

D.I. Felipe González said...

I used to have some of those chimp action figures from Mego. I gave them up to a couple of friends when I had to clear my parent´s house from my old toys.

Kal said...

How could you give away such treasure. I blame the heat.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Mom had just died and I had to choose what to keep and what to donate to a deserving collector.

david_b said...

All toy collectors need that Space:1999 Eagle One ship. It took some $$ and customizing but it is SO worth it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I want a bubble-blowing Godzilla!