Tuesday, June 11, 2013

'I'm just trying to free your mind, Neo."

I remember missing out on this movie when it first came out in the theatre. On the last day before Christmas vacation a kid brought in the DVD for us and begged me to let us watch it. I gave in because I just didn't care anymore by that point in the school year.

'The Matrix' made my head explode. It as a junior high class so I told them to tell their parents we watched the 'Little Mermaid' or next time we would actually be watching that Disney classic...and singing all the songs, for credit.

1 comment:

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

"I'm trying to free your mind, Neo."

I'd probably be the only kid in your class who would want to watch the Little Mermaid, but only because I just rewatched The Matrix earlier this month. I was actually surprised how well its held up, especially now that I no longer have the memories of sequel backwash to ruin the experience.